EASON CHAN (陈奕迅) album sales

EASON CHAN (陈奕迅) sold over 1,200,453 albums. The best-selling album by EASON CHAN (陈奕迅) is L.O.V.E., which sold over 736,270 copies .

EASON CHAN (陈奕迅) albums ranked by sales

EASON CHAN (陈奕迅) total sales by country

CountrySalesAlbums counted
China 1,155,453 2
Sales: 1,155,453
Albums counted: 2
Hong Kong 40,000 1
Hong Kong
Sales: 40,000
Albums counted: 1
Singapore 5,000 1
Sales: 5,000
Albums counted: 1

EASON CHAN (陈奕迅) detailed sales by country

CountryAlbumSalesCertification / source
China L.O.V.E. 736,270 Digital sales on QQ, NetEase, Kugou, Kuwo and Migu
Album: L.O.V.E.
Sales: 736,270
Certification / source: Digital sales on QQ, NetEase, Kugou, Kuwo and Migu
China C'MON IN 419,183 Digital sales on QQ, NetEase, Kugou, Kuwo and Migu
Album: C'MON IN
Sales: 419,183
Certification / source: Digital sales on QQ, NetEase, Kugou, Kuwo and Migu
Hong Kong 打得火熱 40,000 1x Platinum
Hong Kong
Album: 打得火熱
Sales: 40,000
Certification / source: 1x Platinum
Singapore ADMIT IT 5,000 1x Gold
Sales: 5,000
Certification / source: 1x Gold