BOOHWAL (부활) album sales

BOOHWAL (부활) sold over 1,337,681 albums. The best-selling album by BOOHWAL (부활) is LOSS OF MEMORY (기억상실), which sold over 1,070,000 copies .

BOOHWAL (부활) albums ranked by sales

BOOHWAL (부활) total sales by country

CountrySalesAlbums counted
Korea 1,337,681 2
Sales: 1,337,681
Albums counted: 2

BOOHWAL (부활) detailed sales by country

CountryAlbumSalesCertification / source
Korea A NEW DAY 267,681 RIAK / Gaon charts
Album: A NEW DAY
Sales: 267,681
Certification / source: RIAK / Gaon charts
Korea LOSS OF MEMORY (기억상실) 1,070,000 RIAK / Gaon charts
Album: LOSS OF MEMORY (기억상실)
Sales: 1,070,000
Certification / source: RIAK / Gaon charts