KANG SEUNG-YOON (강승윤) album sales

KANG SEUNG-YOON (강승윤) sold over 165,859 albums. The best-selling album by KANG SEUNG-YOON (강승윤) is PAGE, which sold over 165,859 copies .

KANG SEUNG-YOON (강승윤) albums ranked by sales

KANG SEUNG-YOON (강승윤) total sales by country

CountrySalesAlbums counted
China 43,657 1
Sales: 43,657
Albums counted: 1
Korea 122,202 1
Sales: 122,202
Albums counted: 1

KANG SEUNG-YOON (강승윤) detailed sales by country

CountryAlbumSalesCertification / source
China PAGE 43,657 Digital sales on QQ, NetEase, Kugou, Kuwo and Migu
Album: PAGE
Sales: 43,657
Certification / source: Digital sales on QQ, NetEase, Kugou, Kuwo and Migu
Korea PAGE 122,202 RIAK / Gaon charts
Album: PAGE
Sales: 122,202
Certification / source: RIAK / Gaon charts