WU BAI & CHINA BLUE album sales

WU BAI & CHINA BLUE sold over 718,612 albums. The best-selling album by WU BAI & CHINA BLUE is 夏夜晚風, which sold over 370,705 copies .

WU BAI & CHINA BLUE albums ranked by sales

WU BAI & CHINA BLUE total sales by country

CountrySalesAlbums counted
Taiwan 718,612 2
Sales: 718,612
Albums counted: 2

WU BAI & CHINA BLUE detailed sales by country

CountryAlbumSalesCertification / source
Taiwan 愛情的盡頭 (THE END OF LOVE) 347,907 1x Platinum + 1x Gold
Album: 愛情的盡頭 (THE END OF LOVE)
Sales: 347,907
Certification / source: 1x Platinum + 1x Gold
Taiwan 夏夜晚風 370,705 1x Platinum + 1x Gold
Album: 夏夜晚風
Sales: 370,705
Certification / source: 1x Platinum + 1x Gold