스튜디오 지브리의 노래 by VARIOUS ARTISTS sales and awards

스튜디오 지브리의 노래 by VARIOUS ARTISTS has sold 0 copies on streaming services.

스튜디오 지브리의 노래 certifications and sales

Country / region Sales Certification / source Certification date / sales as of
Total sales 0 Album-equivalent unit
Sales: 0
Album-equivalent unit

Year-end chart performance for 스튜디오 지브리의 노래

Chart 2013RankSales
South Korean International Albums (Gaon)
10 7,363
Chart 2014RankSales
South Korean International Albums (Gaon)
54 1,826
Chart 2015RankSales
South Korean International Albums (Gaon)
48 1,574
Chart 2020RankSales
South Korean International Albums (Gaon)
39 852