잠못드는 밤 비는 내리고 (SLEEPLESS RAINY NIGHT) by KIM GUN-MO (김건모) has sold 0 copies on streaming services.
잠못드는 밤 비는 내리고 (SLEEPLESS RAINY NIGHT) certifications and sales
Country / region | Sales | Certification / source | Certification date / sales as of |
Total sales | 0 | Album-equivalent unit |
Sales: 0
Album-equivalent unit
Year-end chart performance for 잠못드는 밤 비는 내리고 (SLEEPLESS RAINY NIGHT)
Chart 1993 | Rank | Sales |
![]() 1993 (640000) + 1992 (220000) |
12 | 860,000 |