2011 마커스 라이브 워십 by MARKERS (마커스워십) sales and awards

2011 마커스 라이브 워십 by MARKERS (마커스워십) has sold 16,520 copies in Korea.


2011 마커스 라이브 워십 certifications and sales

Country / region Sales Certification / source Certification date / sales as of
Korea 16,520 RIAK / Gaon charts
Sales: 16,520
Certification / note: RIAK / Gaon charts
Certification Date / sales as of:
Total sales 16,520 (in 1 country)
Sales: 16,520
(in 1 country)

Year-end chart performance for 2011 마커스 라이브 워십

Chart 2011RankSales
South Korean Albums (Gaon)
97 16,520