SOY COMO SOY by ANA GABRIEL sales and awards

SOY COMO SOY by ANA GABRIEL has sold 225,000 copies in Mexico, Spain and United States.


SOY COMO SOY certifications and sales

Country / region Sales Certification / source Certification date / sales as of
Mexico 75,000 1x Gold 10 February, 2000
Sales: 75,000
Certification / note: 1x Gold
Certification Date / sales as of: 10 February, 2000
Spain 50,000 1x Gold 1999
Sales: 50,000
Certification / note: 1x Gold
Certification Date / sales as of: 1999
United States 100,000 1x Platinum 20 September, 2001
United States
Sales: 100,000
Certification / note: 1x Platinum
Certification Date / sales as of: 20 September, 2001
Total sales 225,000 (in 3 countries)
Sales: 225,000
(in 3 countries)

Year-end chart performance for SOY COMO SOY

Chart 2018Rank
Belgian Music DVD (Ultratop Wallonia) 41