어느 멋진 날 by JUNG YONG HWA (정용화) sales and awards

어느 멋진 날 by JUNG YONG HWA (정용화) has sold 115,203 copies in Korea.


어느 멋진 날 certifications and sales

Country / region Sales Certification / source Certification date / sales as of
Korea 115,203 RIAK / Gaon charts
Sales: 115,203
Certification / note: RIAK / Gaon charts
Certification Date / sales as of:
Total sales 115,203 (in 1 country)
Sales: 115,203
(in 1 country)

Year-end chart performance for 어느 멋진 날

Chart 2015RankSales
South Korean Albums (Gaon)
17 115,203