XIANG HE NI QU CHUI CHUI FENG (想和你去吹吹風) by JACKY CHEUNG (張學友) sales and awards

XIANG HE NI QU CHUI CHUI FENG (想和你去吹吹風) by JACKY CHEUNG (張學友) has sold 706,079 copies in Taiwan.


XIANG HE NI QU CHUI CHUI FENG (想和你去吹吹風) certifications and sales

Country / region Sales Certification / source Certification date / sales as of
Taiwan 706,079 3x Platinum + 1x Gold 22 October, 1997
Sales: 706,079
Certification / note: 3x Platinum + 1x Gold
Certification Date / sales as of: 22 October, 1997
Total sales 706,079 (in 1 country)
Sales: 706,079
(in 1 country)